Online Spying update: No “Lawful Access” mentioned in announcement of crime bill package

Conservative Justice Minister Rob Nicholson and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney held a news conference today, where they announced the contents of he omnibus crime bill that will be introduced in the House of Commons today. The "Lawful Access" bills that would allow for warrantless online spying on Canadians' personal lives were not included in that announcement.

Conservative Justice Minister Rob Nicholson and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney held a news conference today, where they announced the contents of he omnibus crime bill that will be introduced in the House of Commons today. The "Lawful Access" bills that would allow for warrantless online spying on Canadians' personal lives were not included in that announcement.

We're not yet in the clear though. The Conservatives promised to pass the online spying bills as well as several others early on in this Parliamentary session—there may be another omnibus coming, or the announcement may have omitted certain parts of this package of bills.

We may also be looking at a scenario in where online spying provisions will be introduced without being attached to other bills, in which case MPs will be much more able to subject them to proper scrutiny and possible revision.

More on this to come...

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