Image for Lo And Behold: A Werner Herzog documentary about the Internet
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Lo And Behold: A Werner Herzog documentary about the Internet

Werner Herzog made a documentary about the Internet and we’re looking forward to seeing it. Watch the trailer and find decide for yourself: what have the effects of the Internet been on our lives?

From the creator of Grizzly Man and Encounters at the End of the World, this yeara new documentary was born, all about our favourite topic: the Internet.

Those of you who have seen Werner Herzog’s work before know that he doesn’t shy away from the tough questions, and in Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World Herzog hardly strays from this relentless inquisition.

His investigation into the effects of technology on our lives is sure to get thoughts percolating with experts from all over the world, asking and answering questions like: “will our children’s children children need the companionship of humans, or will we have evolved in a world where that is not important?”

The film made its debut at Sundance this year, and will be available to the public August 19th.


What you think — what have the effects of the Internet been on your life? Your children’s lives? We’d love to hear from you — comment below or ping us on Twitter or Facebook.

Find out more about the documentary on its website, here.


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