Image for Encouraging words from the pro-Internet community

Encouraging words from the pro-Internet community

In recent weeks, we’ve received an outpouring of wonderful feedback from the pro-Internet community. We can’t stress enough how thankful we are for your sustained support. As we continue our December fundraising drive, we thought it’d be a great time to share some of those words with you. Moving forward into 2012, let’s keep working together to keep the Internet open and affordable for all Canadians. “I think what you guys are doing is fantastic, and your successes so far are a testament to what can be achieved when people get together under a common cause… With efforts from organizations like yours, we can prove to people that they CAN make a difference, and see in real time exactly how big of a difference they can make. Keep up the great work...” - Scott Greig

Thanks Scott! Sometimes it’s easy to forget that together we really can affect change.

We couldn’t have achieved as much as we did on the Stop the Meter campaign without the help of half-a-million dedicated supporters like Scott. Let’s keep working together to make sure the Internet in Canada is open, affordable, and surveillance-free. Become an Ally today, and keep sharing our petitions across the interweb, and stay awesome.

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