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Canadian government commits to expediting rural broadband development

Internet has been a critical lifeline throughout COVID-19, but many in rural Canada are being left behind.

April 30, 2020— Yesterday, Minister of Rural Economic Development Maryam Monsef announced forthcoming plans to increase investment in rural broadband deployment, in the wake of COVID-19. 

OpenMedia’s executive director Laura Tribe had this to say in response: 

“Frankly, it’s about time. The Internet is the glue that’s been holding our economy, education system, families and social lives together for the seven weeks since this pandemic hit Canada, so we’re happy to see Minister Monsef acknowledge its importance. If Minister Monsef can not only expedite funding rollout, but also speed up the actual deployment, and increase the amount of money being spent to connect rural and underserved areas, she’ll be remembered as an Internet hero. We urge her and her colleagues to do everything in their power to make sure every single person in Canada has high quality internet access before this pandemic is over.”

Tribe continued, This pandemic has highlighted the need for urgency in bridging the digital divide, as the Internet has become an essential service for remaining connected in a distanced world. We simply can’t afford to wait. We look forward to seeing Minister Monsef’s plans, and the joy of communities across Canada as they’re finally brought online.”

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