Tag: t-mobile

The comment period for the T-Mobile/Sprint merger is over. Now what?
Over 12,000 people voiced their opposition to the T-Mobile/Sprint merger application at the FCC. Will the FCC listen?

T-Mobile & Sprint Merger: Less choice, higher bills
The T-Mobile/Sprint merger will mean less choice and higher prices for Americans. But we can still stop the merger, here's how.

Consumer advocates highlight industry support for ending data caps and upholding Net Neutrality in CRTC consultation
Rogers’ opposition to zero-rating and moves by U.S. firms Netflix and T-Mobile suggest Canadian telecoms should follow their lead and offer unlimited data plans

Artists and Creators shouldn’t have to register with telecom giants to avoid censorship
We fight everyday to ensure a level playfield across our networks, but the threats to the open Internet we love keep coming. Here are some controversial Net Neutrality violations from around the globe you should know of.

T-Mobile free roaming initiative could add fuel to Canada’s wireless market
T-Mobile announced yesterday it will allow its American customers use their service in Canada and Mexico with no extra fees (that's right, free roaming). This new initiative puts the Big Three's roaming plans to shame. Why can't Canadians have nice things?
Article by Peter Nowak for Alphabeatic
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