Tag: rcmp

The RCMP has been tracking our phones for years. What can we do about it?
Despite nearly 20 years of use, still no final policy on RCMP mass surveillance devices.

A First Look at Canada’s Harmful Content proposal
What’s proposed in the government’s harmful content consultation, and where it falls down.

Privacy Commissioner’s report calls on the RCMP to increase transparency around the use of cellphone surveillance tools
A complaint launched by OpenMedia into the use of IMSI-catchers (a.k.a Stingrays) reveals that six warrantless deployments of the device violated the Charter

The RCMP’s admission that it spies on our cellphones is long overdue, but leaves important questions unanswered
After years in the dark, the RCMP has finally admitted they are using Stingray Canadian devices to spy on Canadians' cellphones. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

After years of secrecy, RCMP finally admits to using mass cell phone surveillance tools on Canadians
Amidst growing controversy, the RCMP says it deployed IMSI-catchers — commonly known as Stingrays — dozens of times in recent years

#ProtectPressFreedom: Join us on this National Day of Action!
The combination of multiple spying scandals involving Canadian journalists as well as powerful national opposition to Bill C-51 have sparked a national day of action on civil liberties, privacy and press freedom. Join us!

We’re calling for transparency on Bill C-51
Over 30 civil society organizations and experts have signed a joint letter calling on the government to restore trust in the commitment to respond to Canadians’ concerns over mass surveillance

What is the VPD hiding? Pro-privacy groups are digging deeper for answers on Stingray use
VPD admitted it doesn’t have the device, but recent revelations on RCMP use of Stingrays raise doubts on whether these devices have been used by other law enforcement agencies.

Motherboard reveals that RCMP have been using Stingray devices extensively while indefinitely storing sensitive information on innocent Canadians
Today it was revealed by Motherboard that the RCMP have been extensively using Stingray devices in Canada for the past decade, scooping up the sensitive information of thousands of innocent Canadians in the process.

Stingrays: Canadian law enforcement’s worst-kept secret
It's time for an informed debate about the use of these spying tools -- and for that we need transparency from police.

Vice: Canadian Cops Want to Search Your Mail
Update: The RCMP is now going after your mail.
Article by Justin Ling for Vice
With a federal election in its home stretch, Canada's chiefs of police have issued a wish list of investigative powers they are hoping that the country's next prime minister can deliver — everything from allowing them to search Canadians' mail, to pulling back the curtain on anonymity online.

National NewsWatch: Police demand access to your online records without a warrant
Despite Canadians' insistence that government agencies should require a search warrant to access citizens' personal information, the government is now considering doing the exact opposite. Speak up for our privacy now at KillC51.ca
Article by Jim Bronksill for the Canadian Press
OTTAWA - A new administrative scheme that would allow police to obtain basic information about Internet subscribers without a warrant is one option being considered by federal officials following a landmark Supreme Court ruling that curbed access to such data, Canadian police chiefs say.
The glimpse into federal deliberations about how to address the highly influential court decision comes in a newly published background document from the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, which is urging the government to fill the legislative gap.

Toronto Star: RCMP tracked Toronto activists with fake Facebook profile
Would liking a page or an article about blacklivesmatter on your social profile get you tracked by the RCMP, looking for other "subversive" materials? Does sharing content about social equality make you an activist? Subversive? A target of the RCMP?
And what's next, under C-51... ?
Article by Laurent Bastien Corbeil for the Toronto Star
Has a waddle of penguins ever “liked” your Facebook page? If so, your account may have been monitored by the RCMP.

Motherboard: Canadian police looked into buying hacking software
The Internet, the greatest tool for connectivity that humankind has ever invented, ins in danger of being turned into something it was never intended to be— a tool for governments to spy on the private lives of everybody.
Article by Matthew Braga for Motherboard
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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