Tag: journalism

OpenMedia calls on new chair of CRTC to prioritize competition, affordability, and everyday people’s needs
Canada’s Internet is dangerously adrift. OpenMedia’s letter to new CRTC chair Vicky Eatrides urges her to put us back on track.

Canada introduces Bill S-231 to protect whistleblowers and journalists’ confidential sources
Canada has finally taken a major step towards standing up for media rights.

Here’s how our new #BorderWrites tool will get your Member of Congress to rethink Border Privacy
Our new tool will let you send a letter to be featured in newspapers all across the nation — a mass message on border privacy Members of Congress simply cannot ignore.

Save the Link heroes
You emailed your MEPs in the thousands, and in return they put through hundreds and hundreds of amendments to change the law for the better.

For these large publishers, it was always about undermining our Right to Link
There’s no shortage of proof that publishing lobbyists and their political allies want a world where you can own a hyperlink.

RightsCon Brussels 2017: Making Facebook Pay (for the News)
We fought the Internet tax and the link tax to stop the open Internet being crushed in the name of saving the media. But what will we do when the next big idea comes along?

#ProtectPressFreedom: Join us on this National Day of Action!
The combination of multiple spying scandals involving Canadian journalists as well as powerful national opposition to Bill C-51 have sparked a national day of action on civil liberties, privacy and press freedom. Join us!

The link tax law is leaked, and it looks like it was written by someone who has never used the Internet
A new leak from the European Commission lays out the not-so-specific details of the link tax law and other copyright reforms. And guess what? They only serve media industry giants.

Why is the European Commission hiding the voices of thousands of Internet users?
The European Commission hasn’t released the data that they say justifies the link tax. Where are your voices and their consultation response?

Breaking News: Leaked document reveals EU Commission’s plan to mislead and ignore you in their crusade for a link tax
The European Commission have shown themselves incapable of listening, recent leak shows they intend to push ahead with link tax and ignore public consultation process.

Become a link tax mythbuster
We have been putting together some key myth-busting images that should put the link tax to bed once and for all, showing decision-makers why it's just not going to work.

The Link Tax is Running Out of Fuel: You Can Stop It Here
The European Commission is still considering proposals for fees for hyperlinks, AKA: the link tax. They are writing the law now, but they are on the brink of dropping these plans. Let’s remind them we’re not going away.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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