Tag: isds

NAFTA 2.0 and Digital Rights: The Good, The Bad and The Worst
Last week Canada signed a rebranded NAFTA deal after months of suspense and secretive negotiations. But what does the deal mean for the Internet? Here’s the lowdown.

Over 55,000 voices are on their way to Minister Freeland’s office
This week we delivered over 55,000 signatures calling for the protection of our digital rights in the new NAFTA to Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland — and you bet it’s going to make an impact.

Your voices helped shape the new TPP
Yesterday Canada joined 10 other countries in reaching a deal on a reworked version of the TPP, suspending some Intellectual Property and ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement) provisions that would have had detrimental impacts on the open Internet. The work doesn't end here, but this win for the Internet community would have not been possible if it wasn't for you — so thank you for speaking out!

Defending Your Digital Rights in NAFTA 2.0
We recently submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT), recommending what the government should do to ensure Canadians’ best interests are protected when it comes to how our digital rights are treated in a new NAFTA.

Back from the grave — Secret TPP talks to resume in Toronto
As Toronto hosts two days of high-level TPP talks in an undisclosed location, civil society groups warn that TPP cannot be the basis for Canada’s future trade relationships

Is the TPP falling apart? Let’s take a look at where the 12 nations are at
As the TPP grows weaker in the U.S. major uncertainty revolves around its successful ratification. But it is it too early to throw confetti? Let’s take a look at where the twelve signatories stand in the game.

The real poison pill in the TPP
There are multiple reasons why Canadians should be concerned with the TPP. But what is the real poison pill?
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