Tag: intermediary liability

Let’s Talk Copyright to Bring Canada’s Copyright Rules Up to Speed With the Digital Era
A rare opportunity to shape Canada’s copyright regime is right before us. Here’s how we can seize it to shape the rules by and for the people in the digital era.

Defending Your Digital Rights in NAFTA 2.0
We recently submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT), recommending what the government should do to ensure Canadians’ best interests are protected when it comes to how our digital rights are treated in a new NAFTA.

Notice and…what? Explaining the Copyright Notice Trio
Notice and…takedown? Staydown? Notice? We explain what these phrases mean and why they’re vital to the fight for free expression in 2017.

Email your MEP: It’s time to talk Save the Link
The link is under attack. But right now it’s in the hands of elected representatives that have the chance to stop it and you can tell them directly why they need to Save the Link.

Europe’s Censorship Robots: An attack on our basic rights
Copyright proposals coming out of the European Commission are attacking our fundamental rights – now that’s outrageous.

Will the European Commission’s copyright rules spell destruction for Wikimedia?
Without an exception for nonprofits, monitoring and filtering provisions in the EU Commission’s new copyright law would bankrupt some of our favourite services – like Wikipedia

Publishers AND Internet users are standing together against the Link Tax
Publishers are against ancillary copyright too! As the deadline for the save the link consultation closes more and more businesses are speaking out against the link tax.

We have just 36 hours to Save the Link!
The clock is ticking to Save the Link: We have just a few days left to tell the European Commission not to make link tax laws.

Save the Link supporters: You’re being heard
Highlighting our key concerns with the European Commission’s analysis of your feedback, and the upcoming proposals on the Digital Single Market plan.
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