Tag: google

What is happening to Canadian news?!
Your questions answered on the Google and Meta news pullout in Canada following Online News Act Bill C-18.

New antitrust laws could save you from Big Tech’s choke-hold
What are Antitrust laws, and why should you care? Your questions answered

U.S. District Court defends online free expression and principles of intermediary liability with recent decision
U.S. ruling blocks Supreme Court of Canada global takedown decision in Google v. Equustek

The math shows the Link Tax won’t go nearly as far as publishers think
Someone actually did the math and money generated from a Link Tax is "not going to go nearly as far as the news publishers think."

Google v. Equustek at the Supreme Court of Canada: Dispatch from the Hearing
As you may recall, OpenMedia intervened in a landmark Internet and free expression case at the Supreme Court of Canada, Google Inc. v. Equustek Solutions. Here's a recap of the big questions being wrestled with at the trial.

We did it! OpenMedia has submitted its arguments to the Supreme Court of Canada
OpenMedia has filed its arguments to the Supreme Court of Canada, defending your free expression online. What’s next?

Only hours away from the Supreme Court!
Our deadline to submit our intervention in defence of the Internet to the Supreme Court of Canada is approaching fast, but there’s still time for you to support this important work.

OpenMedia is defending your free expression at the Supreme Court
OpenMedia will be intervening in a landmark case at the Supreme Court of Canada – defending the free expression of Internet users across the globe.

How to Protect Your Privacy On Your Pokémon Journey
Pokémon Go is sweeping the globe, but what is it doing with your data?

CBC: Google ordered to remove ‘right to be forgotten’ stories after ‘right to be forgotten’ ruling
The new EU 'right to be forgotten' ruling conflicts with our right to knowledge and free expression. Why should people like web companies, politicians, or governments force search engines and other aggregators to remove links to articles about their activities without a judicial process? Learn more below and check out our growing international campaign to Save The Link at SaveTheLink.org
Article by CBC News
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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