Tag: free trade

So Long and Thanks for All the Comments
It’s goodbye, but it’s not the end. Thank you for everything, and let’s keep working to build a more just world, online and off.

Defending Your Digital Rights in NAFTA 2.0
We recently submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT), recommending what the government should do to ensure Canadians’ best interests are protected when it comes to how our digital rights are treated in a new NAFTA.

Civil society urges trade decision-makers to consider the impacts of NAFTA on digital rights
Organizations from Mexico, Canada and the United States highlight the need for increased transparency and urge the exclusion of intellectual property provisions

It’s here! Our TPP Citizens’ Report explores how we can rebuild public trust in trade processes
Our Let’s Talk TPP Citizens’ Report is finally here! Check out the full report and use our tool to send it to your MP.

As the U.S. formally pulls out of the TPP, we’re calling on the Canadian government to reject the deal and learn a lesson
It's official, U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to formally withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and we are calling on the Canadian government to learn from this lesson to include citizens in the process of future trade deals.

All Out Against the TPP: Vancouver Edition
The TPP in its original form may be dead, but some of its poisonous components remain – and big media lobbyists will continue to push for them. Join us for a mobilization against secret and undemocratic agreements!

Our last chance to knock down the TPP is here, let’s seize it!
The clock is ticking as the government’s public consultations on the TPP close on October 31st, so it’s never been more important that all Canadians stand together to knock down the worst trade deal in history.

We came, we rocked and we sent the message louder than ever: NO TPP, thanks!
Didn’t make it to our Rock Against the TPP events in Toronto recently? No need for fear of missing out, here’s a recap and the best pics from the night.

Report on TPP’s economic cost ignores potential damage to innovation and our digital economy
Basing an overall decision on TPP on such a flawed and limited assessment would be “like buying a used car sight unseen.”

We made it happen: Your voices on a Jumbotron outside the TPP hearings
We crowdsourced your concerns about the TPP and displayed them on a Jumbotron TV screen outside the TPP hearings in Vancouver today. Check out these awesome pics!

Huffington Post: Did you know Canada is the most sued nation under free trade agreements?
Now Canada wants to sign on to another massive, secretive agreement that will exploit our 'partners' and establish unaccountable supra-national tribunals to further erode democratic decision-making at the national level.
Article by Sunny Freeman for the Huffington Post
Canada is the most-sued country under the North American Free Trade Agreement and a majority of the disputes involve investors challenging the country’s environmental laws, according to a new study.
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