Tag: canadian content

Image for OpenMedia takes the C-11 fight to the CRTC

OpenMedia takes the C-11 fight to the CRTC

OpenMedia testified at the CRTC on C-11! Here’s what went down.
Image for UPDATE: Senate passed Bill C-11– what happens now?

UPDATE: Senate passed Bill C-11– what happens now?

Bill C-11 passed the Senate; here's everything that went down
Image for Your voice, DELIVERED: 103,000+ petition signers urge Senate to fix Bill C-11!

Your voice, DELIVERED: 103,000+ petition signers urge Senate to fix Bill C-11!

Canada’s Senate just introduced a key amendment that nips many of Bill C-11’s problems in the bud — but brought a HUGE new threat to our privacy along with it.
Image for Minister Morneau: Let’s talk about this #InternetTax

Minister Morneau: Let’s talk about this #InternetTax

OpenMedia is asking Finance Minister Bill Morneau for a meeting to discuss proposals for a tax on Internet providers in Canada.
Image for Trudeau: send a message to Canadians and ditch the TPP

Trudeau: send a message to Canadians and ditch the TPP

The TPP is on its last legs – but why not finish it off? Trudeau should take a stand and reject the TPP.
Image for With Your Help, OpenMedia Lays Out the Case against Internet Taxes for Canadian Heritage’s #DigiCanCon Consultations

With Your Help, OpenMedia Lays Out the Case against Internet Taxes for Canadian Heritage’s #DigiCanCon Consultations

OpenMedia submitted formal comments to Canadian Heritage's #DigiCanCon consultations, driving home the case against the Internet Tax. Here's what we told them.
Image for Watch here: livestream of Medi@cracy’s #DigiCanCon conversation

Watch here: livestream of Medi@cracy’s #DigiCanCon conversation

New Canadian community television program Medi@cracy kicks off with its pilot episode tackling Heritage Minister Melanie Joly’s #DigiCanCon consultations

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