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Cell Phone Horror Stories

Have you ever been overcharged, put on hold for an unconscionable amount of time, or otherwise treated unfairly by a cell phone company? ...That means you have a cell phone horror story. Tell us what happened at http://CellPhoneHorrorStory.ca, and we’ll use it to push for new rules ensuring cell phone fairness, affordability, and choice.1 People like you have been speaking out about unfair treatment from big telecom companies, and you’ve had an effect...

Decision-makers at the CRTC have finally agreed to develop national rules to protect cell phone users and they need to hear from you before Big Telecom gets to them.

Take action!

Have you ever been overcharged, put on hold for an unconscionable amount of time, or otherwise treated unfairly by a cell phone company?

...That means you have a cell phone horror story. Tell us what happened at http://CellPhoneHorrorStory.ca, and we’ll use it to push for new rules ensuring cell phone fairness, affordability, and choice.1

People like you have been speaking out about unfair treatment from big telecom companies, and you’ve had an effect:

Decision-makers at the CRTC have finally agreed to develop national rules to protect cell phone users – but to do it right, they need to hear from you.

You need to act now – the Big Three cell phone giants are poised to use the new national rules process to undo the few rules we currently have to protect us,2 and lock you into arrangements that are even more costly. It’s wrong, it’s bad for our country, and we shouldn’t stand for it.

We pay some of the highest cell phone fees and are forced into some of the worst contracts in the industrialized world. This is because three big cell phone conglomerates control nearly 94% of the market.3

The CRTC needs to understand just how much this affects you: the user, the consumer, the citizen. Show the CRTC that Canadians are stuck in an unfair and expensive cell phone market.

This is your chance to fight back. Let’s stop giant cell phone companies’ assault on our wallets and our time. Tell your cell phone horror story now, and help create strong rules to protect Canadians >>>

With hope,

Steve, Lindsey, and Reilly—on behalf of your OpenMedia team

P.S. Our small team works hard to monitor policy developments like these, and take action so that Canadians can have a say in our digital services. Help keep us going by making a small donation today.



[1] See our press release, OpenMedia.ca pleased with CRTC plans to protect Canadian cell phone users

[2] Big cell phone companies began to support the call for a national code of conduct just as provincially, rules were getting stronger. Manitoba and Quebec have strong protections for cell phone users, and Nova Scotia is close behind. Rogers, for one, made sure to note in its submission that the new national rules would “eliminat[e] the need for individual provincial rules”.

[3] See Carleton University professor Dwayne Winseck’s figures posted here.

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