United States International

Story of Neda’s Death Reveals 7 Elements of Next-Step Journalism

Just before ending his news conference Tuesday, President Obama called on CNN's Suzanne Malveaux for one last question.

MALVEAUX: Back to Iran, putting a human face on this. Over the weekend, we saw a shocking video of this woman, Neda, who had been shot in the chest and bled to death. Have you seen this video?"

THE PRESIDENT: I have... It's heartbreaking... And I think that anybody who sees it knows that there's something fundamentally unjust about that.

The mention of her name at a presidential news conference reflected the extent to which Neda Soltani had become, as Malveaux put it, "the human face" of the weekend's dramatic events in Iran.

Read the rest at http://www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=131&aid=165662

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