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OpenMedia.ca is looking for interns!

Be a part of Opening the Media!

Join our exciting and growing organization:

Do you care about media? Are you interested in doing substantive work for a national nonprofit organization working on media issues? Want to learn the behind-the-scenes work that goes into effectively running a nonprofit?

OpenMedia.ca is seeking talented and creative volunteer interns to work with us at our young media democracy organization. Demonstrate your enthusiasm and skills in a team-orientated environment and be a part of creating positive social change and open media in Canada.

We are looking for interns to fill the following positions:

* Media Policy and Research Associate

This position aims to bring upper year students of communications or public policy into the policy arena for practical work on issue research, and policy development. The position requires an understanding of communications systems, media studies, and public policy. Interns should expect to work independently on specific projects as directed by OpenMedia.ca staff. These projects may require interns to research, analyze, and write reports on specific media policy problems or to develop model legislation. Knowledge of federal legislative and regulatory processes is an asset for this position.

* Education and Outreach

This candidate will work on a variety of outreach, organizing and public education activities to broaden the movement for Open Media. Candidates will play a significant role in coordinating workshops and conducting educational presentations. You’ll get direct hands-on experience with event coordination, media relations, and grassroots organizing. You’ll also have the opportunity help our Director of Online Communications build our social media and overall web presence.


We are looking for team-orientated, good-humoured, well-organized, quick learners who are interested in making positive social change.

We require:

* 11 week commitment of approximately 10-15 hours per week (dependent upon the position)
* Must be proficient in oral and written English and have strong writing skills
* Intermediate MS Office skills including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
* Superior communication and interpersonal skills are a must, as is a can-do attitude


* Familiar with the work of OpenMedia.ca
* Avid user of social media tools like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter
* Graphic design skills
* Event coordination and/or tabling/canvassing experience
* Fundraising experience
* Access to a wireless enabled laptop
* Video editing/production skills
* Flexible schedule

Please send a brief letter of interest pertaining to the position that interests you most, and your resume to ([email protected]) by January 18, 2010.

About OpenMedia.ca

Formerly known as Campaign for Democratic Media (CDM), we are in the process of rebranding with our new name OpenMedia.ca, and a new site coming in winter 2010. We are a network-structured, education and campaign-oriented, movement-building, national, non-profit and non-partisan organization working to open up media and communications in Canada. Our primary goal is to increase public awareness and informed participation in Canadian media policy formation. OpenMedia.ca is the primary organization behind the innovative SaveOurNet.ca coalition, Fresh Media and Stop The Big Media Takeover campaign.

Check out SaveOurNet.ca here: http://www.saveournet.ca/

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now

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