United States International

OpenMedia.ca to address House of Commons and CRTC

OpenMedia.ca to address House of Commons and CRTC


April 27, 2010

Today, in an effort to ignite Canada’s digital media revolution, OpenMedia.ca will be taking centre stage at the House of Commons Committee on Canadian Heritage concerning the future of media.

The Committee on Canadian Heritage is exploring the developments in emerging and digital media, how these developments are affecting Canadian cultural industries, and what federal institutions could do to assist Canadians and Canadian cultural industries.

OpenMedia.ca is drawing on input from network members and Canadians and will bring citizen voices to Ottawa, raising important issues such as Net Neutrality, Media Ownership, Independent Media, and Broadband access.

Then on Thursday April 29th, OpenMedia.ca will bring community media experts to the CRTC's Community TV hearing in an effort to convince them to liberate the community TV trust to local media innovation centre's.

National Coordinator, Steve Anderson, will introduce the panel and Research Associate/Board Member Michael Lithgow, and Board Member Professor David Skinner will argue that the CRTC should liberate the over $100,000,000 a year community media trust from big cable monopolies to local media innovation hubs across the country.

If this public fund was to be liberated from the pockets of the cable monopolies, we would have independent community media centres across the country that among other things, would act as incubators for job creation, empowerment and skills-based learning, and media innovation.

Steve Anderson
National Coordinator
[email protected]

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