United States International


Every human being has the unassailable right to seek, receive and
impart information without hindrance.

This right, enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, is something for which we at Adbusters have been
fighting since our inception. Our not-for-profit group, Adbusters
Media Foundation, was born 20-years ago in response to broadcaster
censorship that refused to run our citizen-produced ads. Over the last
two decades, we have been censored by television networks all over the
world and we have launched numerous legal actions in Canada against
the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and private broadcasters
(notably CanWest Global), fighting for the right of citizens to walk
into their local TV stations and buy 30 seconds of airtime for a
message they believe in.

For 20 years we were knocked back at every stage: we were defeated in
the lower courts and the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear our
appeals. But last April, we finally scored a great legal victory. In a
unanimous decision, the British Columbia Court of Appeal overturned
previous court rulings and concluded that television airtime may
indeed constitute public space. This crucial ruling allows Adbusters
to proceed with its groundbreaking case against media conglomerates.

In order to take our fight to the next stage, we need an immediate
injection of funds. We are asking for donations from people all over
the world who believe that information rights are the key to a
flourishing democracy and that those rights are now more imperative
than ever in giving citizens a voice in navigating our path through
the dangerous times ahead.

To donate, please visit www.adbusters.org/donate ... or send a cheque
to Adbusters Media Foundation ... or give us a call at
604-736-9401/1-800-663-1243 (toll free in North America). As Adbusters
has subscribers in 20 countries around the world, we are also trying
to get in touch with media lawyers in the US, Australia and the UK who
are interested in launching Right To Communicate legal actions in
their own countries.

If you have ideas, need more information or want to talk strategy,
email [email protected].

for the wild,

Kalle Lasn
Editor and Co-founder, Adbusters Media Foundation

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