United States International Free & Open Internet

CRTC Takes a Stand for Internet Openness

The new process, as summarized in the CRTC's press release, is this:

Upon the receipt of a complaint regarding a traffic management practice, CRTC staff will forward the complaint to the ISP in question and request a response. If the ISP fails to respond or bring itself into compliance, the CRTC will take further action to enforce its policy. This can include meeting with the ISP to discuss a complaint in more detail, requesting an on-site inspection or independent third-party audit, or calling the ISP to a public hearing.

While the half-a-million strong pro-Internet group is pleased with the CRTC's move toward transparency and the establishment of clearer guidelines, OpenMedia.ca executive director Steve Anderson notes that the process for enforcing Internet openness rules still relies far too heavily on customer complaints:

"These new guidelines are definitely a positive step in the right direction," says Anderson, "but the CRTC still has a ways to go before it can truly protect the open, affordable Internet. The onus to identify and report unfair traffic management practices still rests on Canadians, many of whom will be unable to identify a violation and properly navigate the complaints process.

"While today's move makes that process clearer, the real solution rests in regular independent audits of ISPs. The government must also allow the CRTC to effectively punish ISPs that unfairly throttle traffic—we literally want to make throttlers pay."

OpenMedia.ca pushed for and won Internet openness rules in 2009, and has been pushing for effective enforcement ever since.



Lindsey Pinto
Communications Manager, OpenMedia.ca
[email protected]

About OpenMedia.ca

OpenMedia.ca is a non-partisan, non-profit public engagement organization working to advance and support an open and innovative communications system in Canada. Our primary goal is to increase informed participation in Internet governance.

OpenMedia.ca is best-known for coordinating the “Stop The Meter” campaign earlier this year. The Stop The Meter campaign is widely considered the largest online citizens’ campaign in Canadian history involving nearly half a million Canadians.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now

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