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CRTC to Open up Controversial Closed-Door Meeting

OpenMedia.ca’s initial concerns about the meeting, that takes place March 23rd and 24th, were reflected in a letter to supporters, wherein they expressed that without the watchful eye of the public, these invitation-only meetings would likely become “yet another big telecom lobbying bonanza.” The CBC later followed up and put these concerns to the CRTC.

On behalf of the public, OpenMedia.ca has now also asked the CRTC for the full list of invitees, reasoning that this will help ensure Canadians and innovators are adequately represented. OpenMedia.ca is also asking that the meeting minutes be published and for the meeting itself to be recorded and made publicly available through live online video and audio stream.

So far, it has been confirmed that the CRTC will disclose the list of participants. In so doing, the commission will promote a balance between representatives of Big Telecom, broadcasters, digital creators, and people working for Canadians’ interests.

OpenMedia.ca executive director Steve Anderson believes that these requests are very reasonable, especially in light of increasing public concern over CRTC dealings.

“It’s time to get away from industry groupthink,” said Anderson. “The CRTC has been insulated from public sentiment, especially evident in their treatment of the usage-based billing issue, but it can now take steps to fix that problem by opening their processes."

“This meeting is part of a larger endeavour that will shape the future of our nation’s communications policy. It is incredibly important that the CRTC take into account the fact that industry groups are not the biggest and most important stakeholders -- ordinary Canadians are. In the 21st century, citizens want to play an active role in governance.”

The CRTC is set to respond to OpenMedia.ca in the coming week with further information about their public engagement strategy for the meeting. A representative from OpenMedia.ca will attend the meeting on behalf of Canadians.



Lindsey Pinto
Communications Manager, OpenMedia.ca
[email protected]

About OpenMedia.ca

OpenMedia.ca is a national, non-partisan, non-profit public engagement organization working to advance and support an open and innovative communications system in Canada. Our primary goal is to increase public awareness and informed participation in Canadian media, cultural, information, and telecommunications policy formation.

About Stop The Meter

In October, Canadians were outraged by the news that the CRTC had decided to allow Bell and other big Internet service providers (ISPs) to impose new fees on independent ISPs – usage-based billing. Now every Internet user in Canada is likely to feel the sting of a less affordable Internet, and a less competitive Internet service market. Recognizing the importance of this issue, OpenMedia.ca launched the Stop The Meter campaign.

Since its inception, this multi-platform petition, based at http://www.StopTheMeter.ca and in French at http://openmedia.ca/compteur, has become a record breaker and a game changer. Over 470,000 names have now been added to the website, Facebook, Twitter, and in print.

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