United States International

Communication and Research in the Public Interest Free public forum at the 2009 Congress for the Humanities & Social Sciences

Friday May 29 • 3:30pm to 5:00pm
302 Azrieli Theatre, Carleton University
Whether it's the decline of traditional news media, the struggle over
copyright, the emergence of new ways of communicating online,
questions of who owns the net, or access to the information we need,
questions of communication and the public interest have never been
more relevant. Join us for a roundtable where we'll discuss what "the
public interest" means in today's communication policy landscape, and
explore the role of research and public intellectuals in engaging
citizens, policy makers and the media about communication rights and
policy. Panelists will discuss perspectives and challenges from their
own research and encourage members of the audience to share their own
experiences of researching in the public interest.
Leslie Regan Shade, Concordia University (chair)
Bruce Campbell, Executive Director, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Marita Moll, CCPA Research Associate
Becky Lentz, McGill University
Steve Anderson, Canadians for Democratic Media

A special joint roundtable presented by the Canadian Communication
Association and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Open to
all registrants at the 2009 Congress of the Humanities and Social
Sciences, and to the public. Pre-registration not required; no cost to

L'ACC reconnait et remercie sincèrement le Canadian Centre for Policy
Alternatives et la Fédération canadienne des sciences humaines pour
son soutien de cette table ronde.
The CCA would like to acknowledge and thank the Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives and the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and
Social Sciences Research Council for its support of this roundtable.

Shannon Daub
Communications Director
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, BC
604-801-5121 x226 • NEW CELL# 604-780-9133
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