United States International

Citizen Groups Call for Al Jazeera in Canada

May 29, 2009

OpenMedia.ca is urging Canadians to contact the CRTC in support of Al Jazeera English’s (AJE) application to broadcast in Canada. The CRTC is accepting comments until June 8.

“AJE in Canada will greatly increase the quality and diversity of journalism in the country,” says Anita Krajnc, a member of CDM’s steering committee. “AJE is renowned for its high journalistic standards, for representing a diversity of voices from around the world, and for its fearless, unembedded reporting - including in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

OpenMedia.ca co-founder Steve Anderson highlights that, “The communication rights of Canadians include the right to receive and impart information regardless of frontiers as stipulated in Article 19 of the UN's Declaration of Human Rights. Canadians live in one of the world’s most multicultural and diverse countries and want to be able to access the diversity of perspectives Al Jazeera English offers. It is imperative that the CRTC approve Al Jazeera English’s application to broadcast in Canada.”

Have your say and tell the CRTC to approve the listing of AJE as an “eligible” service so that Canadian cable and satellite companies can carry it.

Send your comments to CRTC: www.openmedia.ca/aljazeera

For more information, please contact:

Anita Krajnc
[email protected]
(416) 825-6080 or

Steve Anderson
National Coordinator
(604) 837-5730
[email protected]

About OpenMedia.ca: OpenMedia.ca is a network of public interest organizations and people pushing for media democracy in Canada.

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