United States International Free & Open Internet

Canadians Fight Government Proposal to Spy on Private Internet Use

“Where does it end? Are we going to let authorities look at our emails, our Facebook conversations, our phone discussions?” said OpenMedia.ca Executive Director Steve Anderson today.

Working with OpenMedia.ca, concerned citizens have produced several video and audio PSAs. The PSAs have been sent to media outlets across the country and shared online using social media. OpenMedia.ca has just sent the videos to its 540,000 pro-Internet community. They can be found and shared online at http://openmedia.ca/educate.

“The government has failed to inform Canadians about the privacy and critical data security implications of the invasive online spying bills they’re tabling,” says Steve Anderson, OpenMedia.ca Executive Director. “This is irresponsible and we’re happy to see citizens step up to the plate to educate their fellow Canadians at this pivotal moment.”

The videos show satirical real-world situations where everyday expectations of privacy are violated. The twist? These are the same violations that would occur online under the proposed laws.

Anderson adds: “This legislation will essentially create a new mandatory Internet registry of private data and force Canadians to pay for it. Canadians simply want an open and affordable Internet; this legislation clearly takes this country in the wrong direction.”

The videos and other educational tools can be found at http://openmedia.ca/educate

Over 50,000 Canadians have already signed the Stop Online Spying petition (http://stopspying.ca) that acts a voice of opposition against the government’s invasive legislation.



Lindsey Pinto
Communications Manager, OpenMedia.ca
[email protected]

Jeremy Brown (Rattlesnake Films)
Video Director/Producer
[email protected]

Chris Potter (Klout Marketing)
Radio PSA Producer

Background Materials

Lawful Access Legislation: 8 In 10 Oppose Internet Surveillance Without A Warrant

Small ISPs foresee cost burden in 'Lawful Access' bills

Letter to Public Safety Canada from Canada's Privacy Commissioners http://www.priv.gc.ca/media/nr-c/2011/let_110309_e.cfm

Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper from civil liberties and public interest groups

About OpenMedia.ca

OpenMedia.ca is a non-partisan, non-profit public engagement organization working to advance and support an open and innovative communications system in Canada. Our primary goal is to increase informed participation in Internet governance.

OpenMedia.ca is best-known for coordinating the “Stop The Meter” campaign earlier this year. The Stop The Meter campaign is widely considered the largest online citizens’ campaign in Canadian history involving nearly half a million Canadians.

About the Stop Online Spying Coalition

The Stop Online Spying campaign is supported by a group of public interest organizations, civil liberties groups, businesses, and concerned academics that have come together to encourage the government to reconsider its pending "Lawful Access" legislation (formerly introduced as Bills C-50, C-51, and C-52). The group believes the proposed legislation enables warrantless surveillance that is invasive, excessive and costly. Over 50,000 Canadians have signed the Stop Online Spying petition at http://stopspying.ca

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now

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