Image for Wikileaks releases secret draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s environment chapter

Wikileaks releases secret draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s environment chapter

It would seem that those who violate environmental protections will have nothing to fear - but the same is not true for Internet users around the world

Last night, Wikileaks released the draft environment chapter of the ultra-secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It's being called a "toothless public relations exercise" with no enforcement clauses for those who violate environmental protections - a far cry when compared to the TPP's Internet Censorship Plan.
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The environment protection provisions in the draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement will not be enforceable, says whistleblower site WikiLeaks, which released a section of the document.
The Environment Chapter of the TPP describes how the 12 countries negotiating the controversial treaty plan to protect the environment. As of November 2013, when the treaty was discussed at a Salt Lake City summit, the chapter lacked any mechanism to enforce it or any sanctions for violating it. This is in contrast with other chapters dealing with labor, intellectual property or agriculture, which all contain binding language.
With no enforcement clauses, the environment chapter is “a toothless public relations exercise” and “media sugar water,” said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
The work on the TPP has been widely criticized for its secretive nature. Its impact would be global, considering that the prospect member-nations, including the US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, account for some 40 percent of world’s GDP, but parties involved have been unwilling to disclose detail of the draft over the three years that negotiations dragged on.
WikiLeaks obtained draft documents from the Salt Lake City summit and has been publishing them since November 2013. There has been one meeting on the TPP after the summit so far.

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