The Latest from Noushin Khushrushahi

Here’s how we can create a new vision for sharing and collaborating online
“How do you plan to create rules that support the wishes of all the people using the Internet without consulting all of the people who use the Internet? Democratic process needs to be followed when dealing with any system or structure that is relied upon by this many people.”
This comment was put forward by an OpenMedia community member using our Digital Future tool last year, as ultra-secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations were coming to a crunch. Although we knew the TPP was bad, our worst fears were confirmed late last year when Wikileaks released shocking information exposing just how severe the TPP would be for our digital future.

From Antarctica to Vietnam, global Internet users are creating a vision for our digital future
Our small team at OpenMedia would like to take a moment to thank you - all of you - who have used the Internet to help create a roadmap forward for a fair digital future.
It was in October 2013 that we asked our community - Internet users who are invested in driving the Internet, creating and sharing online, and collaborating without borders - to help shape our collective digital future.
Our call was in response to continued backdoor negotiations of a massive agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will threaten our ability to innovate online, create excessive copyright terms, and criminalize your online activity.

TPP talks have resumed - say no to Internet censorship!
TPP negotiations have resumed this week in Singapore after failing to conclude last year as Big Industry lobbyists had hoped
VIDEO: Check out this video explaining the TPP’s extreme Internet Censorship Plan
Thank you to Cari from the University of Alberta School of Library and Information Studies for sharing this great video of her presentation about the Trans-Pacific Partnership's (TPP) extreme Internet Censorship plan. Check it out!
Remember, you can help create an alternative vision for our digital future. Use our drag-and-drop crowdsourcing tool to create a roadmap forward at

Tweeting your thoughts in Turkey gets a little tougher
The Turkish government has amended a bill, giving government more powers to censor the Internet

TPP negotiations resume this week & it’s time to fight against Internet Censorship
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations have resumed this week and they are as secretive as ever. Keep making your voice heard at -- and help create an alternative plan to share and collaborate online using our drag-and-drop crowdsourcing tool at
Ukraine security forces torch tent holding unarmed tech protesters
A journalist has already been killed and a tech protester was beaten to near-death.

We’re suing the government about spying on law-abiding Canadians - Ask us Anything!
Thanks to everyone who took the time to join us tonight. We've had a great conversation and it's clear Canadians have many questions about secret spying. If you've yet to do so, join the thousands of Canadians speaking out against reckless and expensive mass surveillance at
Last October, the BC Civil Liberties Association and announced that they are taking the government to stop CSEC’s blanket spying on law-abiding Canadians. We’ve compiled the five most frequently asked questions about the case, and we’re taking them straight to the two people who can best answer them.
Video: Your OpenMedia team reacts to Canada’s 700 MHz spectrum auction results
Yesterday's spectrum auction results announcement meant that your team at was hard at work. Check out this video of our own Steve Anderson speaking about what the results mean for the future of our broken telecom market - and meet a few other members of your team.
Learn more about the roadmap forward that Canadians have put together with our crowdsourced Time for an Upgrade report:

U.S. FCC will regulate the Internet on a “case by case basis”
FCC won’t appeal Verizon ruling, will regulate ’Net on “case-by-case basis”
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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