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Do you remember dial up? We do.

Urgent action needed: Big Telecom giants are about to force many of your favourite websites into an Internet slow lane,1 making them buffer sporadically, and return errors. This is the big one. U.S. telecom giants are trying to impose an Internet slow lane that will affect Internet users everywhere.2 Canadians will be especially hard hit as so much of our Internet traffic flows in and out of the U.S.3 Despite this, Canadians have not even been consulted about this reckless slow lane plan. If these giant U.S. conglomerates get their way, many of your favourite websites could slow to a crawl, and accessing services like Netflix could get more expensive. The clock is ticking: Key decision-makers are about to make a landmark ruling on this Internet slowdown,4 so we have to raise a loud global call5 by the crucial September 15th deadline for public input.

The clock is counting down: it’s up to you to stand up and be counted in the fight against Big Telecom’s Internet slow down.

The effects of this landmark ruling will be felt worldwide.6 You may not live in the U.S., but many of your favourite websites do.

We’re counting on you. Your OpenMedia team puts together sophisticated tools and platforms to amplify your voice when it matters most – and this is certainly no exception.

Join with Internet users around the world in the largest digital rights campaign the world has ever seen. We don't have much time: speak out now before the crucial deadline.


[1], [4] Net Neutrality, Monopoly, and the Death of the Democratic Internet. Source: Motherboard
[2] U.S. extends deadline for 'net neutrality' comments to Sept 15. Source: Reuters.
[3] Decision-makers in Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and theEuropean Union are considering implementing rules that could either safeguard the open Internet, or hand power to giant telecom conglomerates. Also: “A significant chunk of global Internet traffic flows to and from the United States, and limiting the flow of traffic will have knock-on effects”. Source: Hub Communications.
[5] Countries including the
U.S., Canada, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, and The Netherlands have passed rules to prevent telecom giants from discriminating against different types of content flowing across their networks. Get more info by clicking on each country above.
[6] Why U.S. net neutrality debate matters globally. Source: The Hill Times.

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