Tag: zero-rating

New Year, New Fight: 2017 in review and the battle ahead for digital rights
From Net Neutrality to proposed mandatory content filtering in the EU, 2017 was a big year for Internet advocates. What's next in 2018?

Thanks to you, we have a real chance to #EndDataCaps and stop zero-rating
How OpenMedia brought your call to end data caps and ban zero-rating to Canada’s Internet policymakers

“Listen to Canadians, Aim Higher for Canada, and Protect Innovation for All” — OpenMedia at today’s #EndDataCaps CRTC hearings
Today, with support from 55,000 of you, OpenMedia testified at crucial CRTC hearings, and called on them to End Data Caps. Here’s what happened!
We’re live at the CRTC!
We're glued to our screens and we know you are too! Find out below all the ways you can follow us at today's CRTC hearing.

Tomorrow, we’re testifying at the CRTC to End Data Caps! Here’s how to follow us live
On Thursday, your OpenMedia team is testifying at the CRTC, calling on them to stand up for consumers and End Data Caps. Here’s how to stay in the loop.

Looking for unlimited Internet? You’re much better off with an indie provider, finds our new report
Independent and regional providers offer a much better deal when it comes to much-loathed data caps and overage fees

An interview with Ben Klass: a telecom policy love story, and beating Bell at the CRTC
I sat down with Ben Klass, a student, researcher and citizen-leader in telecom policy reform in Canada. We spoke about why he cares about the open Web, how he came to be involved with OpenMedia and his journey in the Bell Mobile TV CRTC complaint. This is the edited version of our interview below.

Online toll booths or a free and open Internet? Europe needs to hear from you
We have until July 18 to speak up for Net Neutrality ahead of a landmark European ruling.

We’re on record — here’s how we’re going to end data caps
OpenMedia, and some amazing partners, have submitted our first papers on how the Internet should be priced in Canada.

Let’s end data caps — add your voice as we urge the CRTC to honour the spirit of Net Neutrality
Internet users are mobilizing to seek end to data caps, as new report reveals how Canadians are getting a raw deal on both wired and wireless services.

What the heck is zero-rating and how does it undermine Net Neutrality?
The rise of a controversial practice called ‘zero-rating’ has Internet freedom advocates worried about the future of the open Web and innovation. Find out why.

Artists and Creators shouldn’t have to register with telecom giants to avoid censorship
We fight everyday to ensure a level playfield across our networks, but the threats to the open Internet we love keep coming. Here are some controversial Net Neutrality violations from around the globe you should know of.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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