Tag: oversight

The RCMP has been tracking our phones for years. What can we do about it?
Despite nearly 20 years of use, still no final policy on RCMP mass surveillance devices.

Government report on National Security consultation confirms Canadians are demanding a full repeal of Bill C-51
Responding to the government’s consultation loud and clear, Canadians call for robust privacy protections.

Security oversight committee is an encouraging step, but we have a long way to go to safeguard Canadians’ privacy
Today’s announcement has the potential to strengthen oversight of Canada’s security agencies, but is only the first of many reforms required.

It’s time for Canada to hold its spy agencies accountable with new framework for oversight and review
OpenMedia has joined civil society organizations from across Canada in a letter to Minister Ralph Goodale about what’s needed to fix our currently deficient oversight model for our spy agencies.

UK’s Investigatory Powers Bill must not be rushed through Parliament
The bill has repeatedly been criticized by citizens, civil society, and parliamentary reports, for handing too much power to spy agencies without effective safeguards.

Adopting the UK model won’t be enough for Ralph Goodale to address Canada’s spy oversight woes
Minister Goodale’s plan to adopt the UK’s model of spy agency oversight leaves a lot of key questions unanswered.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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