Tag: mobile internet
Election 2021: Where the parties stand on cell phone affordability
Lower cell phone bills are on the agenda for some parties this election. Others? Not so much.

We’re challenging a crucial CRTC decision on behalf of Canadians
Last night, OpenMedia filed detailed and significant comments in support of a crucial challenge that will determine whether Canadians get access to new, independent wireless providers like Ting. If the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) listens to Canadians, bad parts of a recent ruling will be overturned and a new level playing field will allow a wide range of new mobile providers to set up shop and sell services to Canadians.
Back in May, the CRTC took a significant step towards ensuring Canadians have access to more affordable options in our mobile phone and Internet market.

Big Telecom are trying to make the Internet like cable TV and we have to stop them
Last week, one of Canada’s Big Telecom giants announced a controversial new scheme that will give them more power to control how you use the Internet on your mobile devices – and, if we don’t speak up, the Big Three will soon follow suit.
Videotron wants the power to hand-choose which mobile streaming apps and services are more expensive than others. How are they doing this? By bundling them into outdated Cable-TV-style packages for mobile phone users. As a result, they’re giving unfair advantage to the services they decide are “worthy” of our attention and discriminating against others – an anti-user practice that positions them as gatekeepers of our mobile networks, and violates Canada’s open Internet (AKA: Net Neutrality) rules.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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