Tag: mass surveillance

The RCMP has been tracking our phones for years. What can we do about it?
Despite nearly 20 years of use, still no final policy on RCMP mass surveillance devices.

Will the long overdue Bill C-51 reform finally give Canadians the privacy protections they deserve?
Writing for Rabble and Common Ground, our Marie Aspiazu argues that Canadians won't accept half-measures when it comes to C-51 reforms.

Revelations of CSE sharing metadata with NSA for years underlines need for far tighter oversight
Information handed over to the NSA and other foreign agencies can reveal the most intimate details of a Canadian’s private life.

What the heck is a Stingray? (And what does it have to do with my privacy?)
A growing concern in the privacy world, the surveillance device nicknamed a “Stingray”, is an invasive technology that threatens to undermine the privacy of anyone with a cell phone.

CBC: CSIS secrecy hampers complaints and accountability
CBC Radio's The Current discusses the BCCLA/Dogwood challenge against CSIS. Will we ever get to the truth of what did or did not happen? Join us and sign the pledge at https://bccla.org/dont-spy-on-me/
Article by CBC Radio
Dogwood BC is an environmental advocacy group in British Columbia. Its members have campaigned against the Northern Gateway Pipeline, in addition to other causes.

A secret deal was proposed between CSIS and Canada Border Services Agency
Before Bill C-51, CSIS shared information with other federal agencies - but they needed the Public Safety Minister's permission. C-51 removes political oversight, giving CSIS access to 16 other agencies information about you without even needing to ask. Speak out now to get the bill repealed at KillC51.ca
Article by Alex Boutillier for the Toronto Star
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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