Tag: iphone

You should have the right to repair your devices in Canada
The Right to Repair movement wants to give you independence over your own devices, including when, how and with whom you make repairs.

Apple, the FBI, and dangerous encryption backdoors
Our own Laura Tribe takes on the recent U.S. court order that could override iPhone security protections, Apple's response and why you should care.

Globe and Mail: Apple’s monthly instalment price plan for unlocked iPhones eludes Canada
Why can't we have nice things like U.S.'s monthly instalment price plan for iPhones here in Canada?
Article by Christine Dobby for The Globe and Mail
Apple Inc. revealed a new way to buy its flagship device last week – the option to pay for unlocked models of its newest iPhones through monthly instalments. But the arrangement is exclusive to U.S. customers, extending a trend in smartphone shopping that has yet to make its way to Canada.
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