Tag: human rights

The Absolute Bare Minimum: Privacy and the New Bill C-27
Canada is under pressure to pass new federal privacy laws for the commercial sector. Find out what these new laws mean for you!

Defending human rights in the technological environment: A powerful piece from Derechos Digitales
Digital rights are crucial in these turbulent times. Our friends at Derechos Digitales do a great job explaining why.

Letter to the community: Standing together in the face of adversity
In the wake of recent events, we thought it was time to check in. Here’s a letter to our community from our Executive Director Laura Tribe. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Digital rights privilege problem: How trying to reach everyone becomes exclusive
Our Ruth Coustick-Deal discusses the need to make a conscious and deliberate effort to make digital rights campaigning more inclusive to ensure all voices, especially those of minorities, are reflected in our work. If you have any suggestions of how our organization can better address this issue, please drop us a comment below!

Globe and Mail: UN Human Rights Committee raises concerns about C-51
This morning, the UN Human Rights Committee said Bill C-51 could run afoul of the international covenant on civil and political rights. This reckless legislation lacks legitimacy and we need to get it repealed! Speak out at KillC51.ca
Article by the Canadian Press published at the Globe and Mail

Bill C-51 violates Universal Declaration of Human Rights, OSCE finds
When the world’s largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization says Bill C-51 violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you know we're in trouble.
Article by ThinkPol
The Harper government’s controversial anti-terrorism bill violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Canada has ratified, according to legal analysis by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the world’s largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization.
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