Tag: government spying

C-59: A promise not kept
The government has stopped far short of their commitment to truly listen to people in Canada and stop the outrageous privacy violations of the notorious spying bill known as Bill C-51.
But it doesn’t stop here.

CBC: Most kids’ apps, websites collect and share personal information
When it comes to online data collection, children are the most vulnerable audience.
Article by CBC News
Most apps and websites for children collect personal information such as photos and addresses, and many say they may share that information with third parties, an annual global privacy survey suggests.

National Post: Public servant being investigated for writing and performing anti-Tory ‘Harperman’ song
An Ottawa federal scientist’s job is in danger after he recorded a song speaking out against the government’s politics of fear.
Article by Kathryn May, Post Media News at the National Post
An Ottawa federal scientist is being investigated for breaching the public service’s ethics code for writing and performing a highly political protest song to get rid of the Harper government.

The Tyee: C-51 is Harper’s tool to keep spreading fear
Experienced crime victims’ advocate Steve Sullivan on the open letter signed by conservative groups against Bill C-51, and how fear is the fuel that keeps Harper's government going. Keep speaking out Canada! It's never too late: StopC51.ca
Article by Steve Sullivan
Things are not going Stephen Harper's way. People aren't as scared as they used to be -- and fear is the fuel that keeps his government going.

Global: Conservative groups call for repeal of Bill C-51 in open letter to Harper
Nearly 100 traditionally libertarian and conservative organizations like the National Firearms Association and Free Dominion, have signed a letter circulated by your OpenMedia team asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper to kill Bill C-51.
Groups and individuals can continue to sign on at: https://stopc51.ca/conservative
Article by Vassy Kapelos for Global News

Liberals are cutting their membership cards after Bill C-51 vote
Did the Liberals really think their voters wouldn't care about that Bill C-51 vote? Well, they were wrong.
Article by ThinkPol
Social media is abuzz with images of Liberal supporters symbolically cutting up their party membership cards after their leader Justin Trudeau voted in favour of Bill C-51 at the anti-terrorism legislation’s third reading in the House of Commons.
Disillusioned supporters also plastered Trudeau’s Facebook page with angry comments about the party’s support for the controversial bill which has been denounced as dangerous and draconian by legal experts, academics, former Prime Ministers, First Nations groups, civil society organizations and all opposition parties other than the Liberals.

We’ll keep up the fight against C-51… until we win!
This just in from Ottawa: The government have ignored Canadians and used their parliamentary majority to force Bill C-51 through the House of Commons. Despite massive opposition from hundreds of thousands of everyday Canadians and the country’s top privacy experts, the reckless Bill is a step closer to become the law of the land.
Here’s who sided with Canadians: 96 MPs from the NDP, the Green Party, the Bloc Quebecois, and Forces et Démocratie. Thanks to each and every one of them for doing the right thing and voting down this Bill. Sadly, Conservative and the Liberal MPs teamed up to force it through - and we won’t let them forget it come October’s election.

Common Dreams: We are making sure your voice is heard before it is too late to #StopC51
We are speaking out as much as we can to make sure your voice is heard: Bill C-51 will recklessly endanger our rights and our privacy. Here's another great coverage thanks to your support. Keep speaking up at StopC51.ca before it is too late.
Article by Nadia Prupis for Common Dreams
Canada's House of Commons on Tuesday is poised to pass Bill C-51, a so-called "anti-terror" law, despite widespread outcry from civil liberties advocates who say the legislation would allow law enforcement to spy on civilians and violate Canadians' constitutional rights with little or no accountability.

Your letters about Bill C-51 are being read all across Canada
As the House of Commons debates the government’s Bill C-51, opponents of the Bill are intensifying their efforts to urge MPs to listen to Candians and reject the controversial legislation. One of the most powerful actions Canadians are taking is using our Letter-to-the-Editor tool. This powerful resource allows Canadians to successfully publish dozens of letters in over 30 major Canadian newspapers, an effective and innovative way to speak out against Bill C-51.
The message coming across again and again in newspaper letter pages across Canada is that this reckless bill will undermine our basic democratic rights, and Canadians won't stand it. The more people discover about Bill C-51, the less they like it. That's why writing a letter to your local paper about why you oppose it is so effective.

CSIS is keeping everyone, including ministers of the Crown, out of the loop. And Harper seems to be OK with it.
Article by Andrew Mitrovica for iPolitics
When it comes to strengthening what passes for oversight of Canada’s spy service, Stephen Harper doesn’t listen to his critics. Maybe he’ll start listening to his friends.
Earlier this week, I spoke at length with a former senior government official who not only spent decades deep inside the Canadian spy biz, he also worked closely with, and remains a political ally of, the prime minister.
This former official — who agreed to be quoted only on condition of anonymity — is an experienced hand in the netherworld of intelligence. Academics, journalists and politicians of all political stripes — including, no doubt, Harper himself — would all attest to his ability to navigate the tricky bureaucratic terrain where politics and espionage meet.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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