Tag: fibre optic

Wholesale and fibre explained
Wholesale rates and fibre connection play an integral role in our telecom industry. Here's what you need to know.

Aphabeatic: Germany’s broadband plan shames Canada (again)
Germany will have affordable internet connections of at least 50 Mbps by 2018. The Harper government promised 5 Mbps by 2019. Enough said...
Which party do you think will do a better job at ensuring Canadians get faster, cheaper Internet? Let us know in the comments below!
Article by Peter Nowak for Alphabeatic

Toronto Star: CRTC looks to the future with ruling on high-speed Internet access - Geist
CRTC's recent ruling on high-speed fibre networks ensures a significant step forward for Canadians’ ability to access affordable Internet options independent of Canada’s large telecom providers. You got us here by speaking out, and believing that we could build a better Internet for Canada. And decision-makers at the CRTC listened!
Article by Michael Geist for the Toronto Star

CBC: CRTC to announce big decision on fibre optic network access
Are you in Canada? Do you have a radio? You probably heard OpenMedia this morning talking about today's forthcoming CRTC decision on fibre optic network access. Here's one of the 20 radio interviews we gave to inform Canadians all across the country about today's announcement. Stay tuned!
Article by CBC News
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