Tag: elections

Canada’s Political Party Privacy Hall of Shame
The top privacy breaches of all time by political parties

How do they score? We rated the new privacy policies of all the major parties – and every single one failed on key best practices.
Canada’s political parties have failed to meet basic privacy expectations. Now we’re calling on them to protect personal information and empower citizens.

72% of people in Canada support stronger privacy rules for political parties
A vast majority of Canadians support changing the law so that political parties follow the same privacy rules as private companies. But politicians remain keen to keep the exemptions that they have given themselves.

“Cambridge Analytica is the canary in the coal mine”, says whistleblower Christopher Wylie
Yesterday, Christopher Wylie, former director of research at Cambridge Analytica, testified before a Canadian parliamentary committee and answered questions on the state of privacy, including a crowdsourced question from our community.

Geist: Netflix Taxes and Canadian Digital Issues in the Election Spotlight
All party leaders should say NO to the Canadian Netflix tax! Here's why this discussion should be one of the important digital issues on the spotlight in the election campaign.
Article by Michael Geist
Geist: Canadian Government Amends “Caretaker Rules” To Give Itself Power to Continue Negotiating TPP
The next few weeks could play a determining role in the fate of the TPP. And Canada is changing longstanding rules regarding making major decisions during elections that tie the hands of future governments and give the government power to continue negotiating the TPP. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Michael Geist
This past weekend was a busy one politically as Canada was launched into a lengthy election campaign just as countries negotiating the latest round of Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations in Hawaii failed to conclude a deal. With reports that there may be a follow-up ministerial meeting within weeks, Canadian officials have been quick to claim that the election campaign will not interfere with the TPP trade talks.
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