Image for Reddit is crowd-sourcing ways to push back against the Internet slow lane. You should join them.
Avatar image of Josh Tabish

Reddit is crowd-sourcing ways to push back against the Internet slow lane. You should join them.

Good news everyone! Our friends at reddit are crowd-sourcing a formal submission to the U.S. FCC about proposed rules that could force businesses and users everywhere into an

Finally, it's not just companies like reddit, Tumblr, Google or Facebook that will be stifled by the Chairman's proposal. This will have a chilling effect on the funding of new startups. It'll put the mom & pop online businesses & the one-person internet shops at a severe disadvantage by placing them in the slow lane.

So, how can you get involved? Here’s where you can learn more about reddit’s plan, and here’s where to have your say.

Good News, Everyone!

Since its inception, reddit has been very active in the fight for the open Internet. With OpenMedia, they’ve played a supportive role in recent campaigns on net neutrality and the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s (TPP) Internet censorship plan. These include Stop The Secrecy, Say No to the Internet Slow Lane, and our most recent TPP campaign, Save Free Expression Online, where we amplified the concerns of over 19,000 people whose comments we delivered to TPP negotiators in Ottawa.

Given this history of collaboration, we’re very excited to share their crowd-sourcing initiative with you, and hope to add the weight of our growing international pro-Internet community to the broader push back against Internet slow lanes. Be sure to join them today!

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