Image for The Knight Foundation: Here’s the whole Internet slow lane debate distilled

The Knight Foundation: Here’s the whole Internet slow lane debate distilled

Are you looking for some talking points to explain Net Neutrality to your family over the holiday table? Check out this invaluable resource. Article by the Knight Foundation The debate over regulation of the Internet may be one of the most important of our day. Companies that have invested billions in Internet infrastructure contend that they need the ability to manage their networks, prioritizing some content over others to maintain service, and charging for higher speeds.  Advocates of net neutrality see the Internet as a utility, essential for individual learning, working, civic participation and free expression, as well as economic competition and innovation – too important to have fast lanes and slow lanes, with the fastest speeds going to the highest bidder. 

The debate intensified this year, when the Federal Communications Commission invited public comment on new proposed regulations that stop short of the standards demanded by net neutrality advocates. The call elicited 3.7 million comments, as well as a storm of debate on Twitter and an avalanche of press coverage. Subsequently, President Barack Obama aligned with net neutrality supporters, but the new rules remain to be written. 

- Read more at The Knight Foundation

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