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Stop The Meter milestones: One year, one message, and over 500,000 engaged Canadians

Last week we celebrated not one, but two major milestones in our campaign to stop the pay-meter on Internet use. One year ago Tuesday, we launched in response to the CRTC's decision to allow Big Telecom to push usage-based billing onto all Canadians. It started with one signature, then captured the nation. Over 500,000 plus people have now signed the campaign, with more joining every day. This is a MAJOR landmark for the pro-Internet movement! Thank you to everyone who has voiced their support against metered Internet billing and who has helped spread the word to friends and colleagues!

This cause has generated such a significant response from Canadians that both the Liberals and the NDP have jumped on the bandwagon. And why stop there? As more people sign on to the campaign, it will become increasingly difficult for the Conservatives to ignore the growing movement against costly and restrictive Internet policy.

By signing the petition, Canadians are sending a strong and united message to the CRTC that we will not accept the installation of an exorbitant pay-per-byte system, the cost of which will inevitably be passed on to users. We are currently awaiting a verdict from the CRTC; it is not too late to take a stand against Big Telecom companies. Make your voice heard Canada!

Sign the Stop The Meter petition »

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