Image for OpenMedia’s Meghan Sali: “What we’re talking about here is global Internet censorship.”
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OpenMedia’s Meghan Sali: “What we’re talking about here is global Internet censorship.”

The TPP is bad news for 800 million internet users. That means you and everyone you know with a computer. We have to stop this. Check out the article below, and speak out at Article by Deirdre Fulton for CommonDreams

The "disastrous" pro-corporate trade deal finalized Monday could kill the Internet as we know it, campaigners are warning, as they vow to keep up the fight against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement between the U.S. and 11 Pacific Rim nations.

"Internet users around the world should be very concerned about this ultra-secret pact,"said OpenMedia's digital rights specialist Meghan Sali. "What we’re talking about here is global Internet censorship. It will criminalize our online activities, censor the Web, and cost everyday users money. This deal would never pass with the whole world watching—that’s why they’ve negotiated it in total secrecy."

"The TPP will criminalize our online activities, censor the Web, and cost everyday users money. This deal would never pass with the whole world watching—that’s why they’ve negotiated it in total secrecy." —Meghan Sali, Open Media

TPP opponents have claimed that under the agreement, "Internet Service Providers could be required to 'police' user activity (i.e. police YOU), take down Internet content, and cut people off from Internet access for common user-generated content."

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