Tag: yournatlsec

Image for #ProtectPressFreedom: Join us on this National Day of Action!

#ProtectPressFreedom: Join us on this National Day of Action!

The combination of multiple spying scandals involving  Canadian journalists as well as powerful national opposition to Bill C-51 have sparked a national day of action on civil liberties, privacy and press freedom. Join us!
Image for C-51 Public Consultations in Vancouver: Round 2

C-51 Public Consultations in Vancouver: Round 2

It’s not a deja vu – it’s really happening. A second round of National Security consultations is on its way to Vancouver, so let’s show up en masse and make a memorable appearance!
Image for This week’s C-51 hearings may have been flawed, but we made sure your message was heard loud and clear

This week’s C-51 hearings may have been flawed, but we made sure your message was heard loud and clear

As the public hearings on the unpopular Bill C-51 culminate in Halifax tonight, let’s look back at how the consultations unfolded throughout the week, and where we go next.

Laura Tribe Testifying at C-51 Public Hearings in Vancouver

OpenMedia's Executive Director testified at yesterday's C-51 public hearings in Vancouver on behalf of 300,000+ Canadians who have spoken out against the unpopular Harper legislation.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now

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