Tag: wind mobile

Rogers may be pulling out of the CWTA

It looks like Big Telecom's lobby group is in deep trouble. Last week Telus pulled out of the CWTA - now Rogers could be poised to do the same. Will you be shedding tears over its demise? http://bit.ly/NVDvuc Article by Gary Ng for iPhone in Canada Last week in a surprise move Telus pulled out of the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA), a wireless lobby group which earlier saw Wind Mobile, Public Mobile and Mobilicity withdraw its membership as well. The future of the CWTA could be in jeopardy depending on how you look into comments made by Rogers, reports The Canadian Press. When asked whether Rogers would remain within the CWTA, spokesperson Patricia Trott said on Friday “We’ve been reviewing our options and we’ll make a decision that’s right for our customers.” Does that mean a yes or a no?

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