Tag: verizon

FCC raises concerns about zero rated programs
Looks like AT&T is playing foul again when it comes to net neutrality.

The Internet you know is about to look a whole lot different. And you might not like what you see.
Imagine a world in which your favorite indie comedy troupe can no longer afford the bandwidth to stream the sketches you love onto your desktop. Or a world in which the small e-shopping website you love shuts down as a result of an outrageous jump in bandwidth costs.
Now, while you’re at it, imagine your shock when you discover your Internet bill has skyrocketed because your ISP is now charging extra to ensure your Netflix stream doesn’t come a grinding halt, or that you’re able to connect with friends on Facebook.
Unfortunately, this is what a world without net neutrality rules could look like – rules that hang in the balance for our neighbours to the south.
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