Tag: vancouver
Laura Tribe Testifying at C-51 Public Hearings in Vancouver
OpenMedia's Executive Director testified at yesterday's C-51 public hearings in Vancouver on behalf of 300,000+ Canadians who have spoken out against the unpopular Harper legislation.

Stingrays: Canadian law enforcement’s worst-kept secret
It's time for an informed debate about the use of these spying tools -- and for that we need transparency from police.

We made it happen: Your voices on a Jumbotron outside the TPP hearings
We crowdsourced your concerns about the TPP and displayed them on a Jumbotron TV screen outside the TPP hearings in Vancouver today. Check out these awesome pics!

Your TPP message on a giant screen
We've booked a giant Jumbotron to beam your messages directly to decision-makers, and we’ll park it outside the first major TPP consultation. Send us your ideas!
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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