Tag: trans pacific partnership

Report on TPP’s economic cost ignores potential damage to innovation and our digital economy
Basing an overall decision on TPP on such a flawed and limited assessment would be “like buying a used car sight unseen.”
Our TPP Jumbotron
As the TPP consultations make their way through the country, your OpenMedia team continues to work tirelessly to amplify your voices. Thanks to all of you who chipped in and made our second Jumbotron in Toronto possible!

We made it happen: Your voices on a Jumbotron outside the TPP hearings
We crowdsourced your concerns about the TPP and displayed them on a Jumbotron TV screen outside the TPP hearings in Vancouver today. Check out these awesome pics!

Secretive trade negotiations leave important voices on the sidelines
We've joined a large international coalition calling for trade agreement reform to protect our digital rights
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