Tag: stephen harper

Image for National Post: Public servant being investigated for writing and performing anti-Tory ‘Harperman’ song

National Post: Public servant being investigated for writing and performing anti-Tory ‘Harperman’ song

An Ottawa federal scientist’s job is in danger after he recorded a song speaking out against the government’s politics of fear. Article by Kathryn May, Post Media News at the National Post An Ottawa federal scientist is being investigated for breaching the public service’s ethics code for writing and performing a highly political protest song to get rid of the Harper government.
Image for Mulcair replies to business leaders concerned about economically risky Bill C-51 - but why is Harper staying silent?

Mulcair replies to business leaders concerned about economically risky Bill C-51 - but why is Harper staying silent?

Two weeks ago, over 60 leading Canadian business leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs published a joint letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper in the National Post, warning of the economic risks of Bill C-51, and calling on him to go back to the drawing board on the controversial and unpopular legislation.

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