Tag: manitoba

Image for Bell’s takeover of MTS will harm middle class consumers and businesses who rely on affordable telecom services

Bell’s takeover of MTS will harm middle class consumers and businesses who rely on affordable telecom services

Merger will result in higher telecom costs in one of the few provinces with affordable rates, reinforcing calls to encourage competition by structurally separating the networks.
Image for Cell phone bills already going up as Bell-MTS takeover awaits approval

Cell phone bills already going up as Bell-MTS takeover awaits approval

Two weeks after Bell announced their intentions to take over Manitoba’s fourth carrier, Rogers has raised rates.
Image for I’m an MTS customer and my bill is about to go up

I’m an MTS customer and my bill is about to go up

When I read the news of Bell buying MTS I felt my wallet shudder.
Image for Wireless prices are so high that a black market is now emerging

Wireless prices are so high that a black market is now emerging

Cheaper plans being sold on Kijiji? This has got to stop!  Article by Peter Nowak for Alphabeatic You know wireless pricing in Canada is messed up when there’s a black market emerging to provide people with better deals.

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