Tag: liberals

Canada’s Political Party Privacy Hall of Shame
The top privacy breaches of all time by political parties
The Liberals promised to reform Bill C-51. What happened?
What happened to the Liberals' promise to reform the infamous, anti-terror legislation Bill C-51 and where do we go next?

Canada introduces Bill S-231 to protect whistleblowers and journalists’ confidential sources
Canada has finally taken a major step towards standing up for media rights.

Digital issues at the top of MPs’ agenda as Parliament resumes
MPs have a packed agenda of digital rights issues to grapple with this fall -- with Bill C-51 top of the list.

Release of security consultation submissions is a win for transparency, but litmus test will be how government responds
Submissions from 12,156 Canadians have been published online by Public Safety Canada, with remaining submissions expected to be made public in the coming weeks.

#ProtectPressFreedom: Join us on this National Day of Action!
The combination of multiple spying scandals involving Canadian journalists as well as powerful national opposition to Bill C-51 have sparked a national day of action on civil liberties, privacy and press freedom. Join us!

As the U.S. formally pulls out of the TPP, we’re calling on the Canadian government to reject the deal and learn a lesson
It's official, U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to formally withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and we are calling on the Canadian government to learn from this lesson to include citizens in the process of future trade deals.

Trump’s election should prompt Canada to rethink its complicity with U.S. mass surveillance
Do Trump's pronouncements on issues of online privacy, surveillance, and net neutrality send a shiver down your spine? It might be a wake up call for Canada.

Our last chance to knock down the TPP is here, let’s seize it!
The clock is ticking as the government’s public consultations on the TPP close on October 31st, so it’s never been more important that all Canadians stand together to knock down the worst trade deal in history.

Despite flaws, the government’s security consultation finally gives us a real chance to repeal Bill C-51
A long-awaited public consultation on national security is finally here and although it is not as focused towards public concerns, we must make the best of it.

Privacy Commissioner’s Annual Report confirms that the system is broken
Privacy Commissioner’s findings underscore the need for a complete repeal of Bill C-51 and an end to the bulk collection of Canadians’ metadata

Our Best Chance to Repeal Bill C-51 is Officially Here
An overdue promise has become a reality and we need everyone on board to ensure all Canadians can experience privacy and security online.

After big win over Bell, what’s next for Canada’s telecom market?
We won a big battle that will determine the future of the Internet in Canada. But what does this really mean?

Huffington Post: Trudeau On Bill C-51 Stance: ‘Perhaps It Was Naive’
No Kidding! So, what are you going to do about it now?- call him to change his tune at KillC51.ca
Article by Althia Raj for the Huffington Post
TORONTO — Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau acknowledged Thursday that his position on the Conservative’s anti-terrorism Bill C-51 may have been “naive.”

Toronto Star: Misdialed fax number lead to privacy breach
A privacy breach is obviously a dangerous thing, but it becomes very strange when it comes form a fax machine. Is this the way we send secure documents?
Article by Richard J. Brennan for the Toronto Star
The Liberal government is blaming a misdialed fax machine for a privacy breach affecting hundreds of Ontario Disability Support Program recipients.

Huffington Post: Liberals were caught off guard when candidate MacLeod stepped down over C-51 vote
After candidate MacLeod stepped down over Trudeau's C-51 vote, the Liberal party issued a statement saying his resignation was for personal reasons...
Article by Althia Raj for the Huffington Post
OTTAWA — The federal Liberals are staying mum about a star candidate who just turned on them.

Liberals are cutting their membership cards after Bill C-51 vote
Did the Liberals really think their voters wouldn't care about that Bill C-51 vote? Well, they were wrong.
Article by ThinkPol
Social media is abuzz with images of Liberal supporters symbolically cutting up their party membership cards after their leader Justin Trudeau voted in favour of Bill C-51 at the anti-terrorism legislation’s third reading in the House of Commons.
Disillusioned supporters also plastered Trudeau’s Facebook page with angry comments about the party’s support for the controversial bill which has been denounced as dangerous and draconian by legal experts, academics, former Prime Ministers, First Nations groups, civil society organizations and all opposition parties other than the Liberals.
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