Tag: killc51

Never Home: Federal government gives itself unprecedented spying powers
How reckless legislation like Bill C-51 is already affecting families here in Canada.
Article by Never Home
New anti-terror and security legislation grants extraordinary powers for surveillance, secret hearings, and preventative detention in Canada.
Security: Refugees and permanent residents are facing secret trials, deportation or limbo due to tightened security processes. New anti-terror legislation and the secret police bill grant extraordinary powers for surveillance, secret investigative hearings, and preventative detention without charge. Under the vague guise of ‘terrorism,’ citizenship can be revoked from some Canadians.

Star: Trudeau backed C-51, but won’t say if it’s constitutional
Looks like the Liberal Party voted for a bill they're not even sure is constitutional...
Article by the Canadian Press at the Toronto Star
BROSSARD, QUE. — Justin Trudeau won’t say if Bill C-51 — the controversial anti-terror bill introduced by the Conservatives — is constitutional, even though the Liberals backed it in Parliament.

The Register: Canadians taking to spying on their spies
The Internet has changed Canadian politics. Issues like C-51 simply don't go away. This election is our best chance to repeal C-51, pledge your vote at OurDigitalFuture.ca
Article by Trevor Pott for The Register
Comment As Canadians settle in for the longest general election campaign since 1867, some uncomfortable incidents that had been ignored by commercial media outlets are gaining new exposure.

iPolitics: Top gun advocate turns on Tories, runs as Independent
Huge numbers of conservatives are speaking out against reckless Bill C-51. Despite Harper's Conservatives' efforts to keep the gun lobby in their camp, the sector warns about the dangerous power-grab this legislation gives the security sector, threatening Canadians’ privacy rights. Let's keep fighting until we Kill C-51 --> KillC51.ca
Article by Claire Wahlen

National NewsWatch: Police demand access to your online records without a warrant
Despite Canadians' insistence that government agencies should require a search warrant to access citizens' personal information, the government is now considering doing the exact opposite. Speak up for our privacy now at KillC51.ca
Article by Jim Bronksill for the Canadian Press
OTTAWA - A new administrative scheme that would allow police to obtain basic information about Internet subscribers without a warrant is one option being considered by federal officials following a landmark Supreme Court ruling that curbed access to such data, Canadian police chiefs say.
The glimpse into federal deliberations about how to address the highly influential court decision comes in a newly published background document from the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, which is urging the government to fill the legislative gap.

Prince George Citizen: C-51 opponent Sheldon Clare discusses his candidacy in Cariboo-Prince George
Gun lobbyists and conservative Sheldon Clarke also opposes C-51. Speak out now to get this legislation repealed at KillC51.ca
Article by Charelle Evelyn for the Prince George Citizen
Sheldon Clare touted himself as a "hardware-store conservative" on Tuesday in announcing his run as an independent candidate for Cariboo-Prince George in October's federal election.

We have our winners! And the prizes go to…
After some serious campaigning from our incredible OpenMedia community, the “Great Canadian Petition Drive to Kill C-51” is complete — and we have our top spots!
Congratulations to our top three leaders, each taking home an awesome pro-privacy prize pack:
Ben Kendrick
David Butz
Peter Benton
Ben Kendrick took a strong lead in this competition right from the start, eventually taking the proverbial cake with an astonishing number of shares — well over 1000, and still counting!

Huffington Post: Trudeau On Bill C-51 Stance: ‘Perhaps It Was Naive’
No Kidding! So, what are you going to do about it now?- call him to change his tune at KillC51.ca
Article by Althia Raj for the Huffington Post
TORONTO — Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau acknowledged Thursday that his position on the Conservative’s anti-terrorism Bill C-51 may have been “naive.”

Ottawa Citizen: The devastating cost of securing our skies
Amira Elghawaby from NCCM highlights even more ways that C-51 violates our rights.
Stand up against this reckless legislation at KillC51.ca
Article by Amira Elghawaby for the Ottaza Citizen
Who pays the price for a highly-secretive security regime intended to protect North Americans who travel by air?

Toronto Star: RCMP tracked Toronto activists with fake Facebook profile
Would liking a page or an article about blacklivesmatter on your social profile get you tracked by the RCMP, looking for other "subversive" materials? Does sharing content about social equality make you an activist? Subversive? A target of the RCMP?
And what's next, under C-51... ?
Article by Laurent Bastien Corbeil for the Toronto Star
Has a waddle of penguins ever “liked” your Facebook page? If so, your account may have been monitored by the RCMP.

Globe and Mail: UN Human Rights Committee raises concerns about C-51
This morning, the UN Human Rights Committee said Bill C-51 could run afoul of the international covenant on civil and political rights. This reckless legislation lacks legitimacy and we need to get it repealed! Speak out at KillC51.ca
Article by the Canadian Press published at the Globe and Mail

Confirmed: We didn’t need Bill C-51
Before C-51, laws and arrangements often allowed for the sharing of information for national security purposes. C-51 adopts an excessive approach that will harm online innovation, political discourse and our civil liberties. Speak out to get it repealed at KillC51.ca
Article by The Canadian Press for CBC

Tyee: Conservative MP repents for part of C-51 sermon
After a whirlwind of mockery on social media, MP Wai Young back-pedalled on some parts of her C-51 sermon...
Article by Jeremy J. Nuttall for The Tyee
Vancouver South MP Wai Young has apologized for one part of a controversial speech to a B.C. congregation, a talk that included a likening of her Conservative party to Jesus Christ.

VICE: Opposition to C-51 is as high as it’s ever been
Even after the bill passed, opposition to C-51 is as high as it's ever been.
This reckless legislation is shaping up to be a key election issue. Speak out now to get it repealed at KillC51.ca
Article by Justin Ling for Vice
Canadians aren't the biggest fans of C-51, the anti-terrorism bill that is now law.

Macleans: How Bill C-51 is clearly shaping the election
A new government could amend or repeal it before the end of this year. Let's keep building opposition to C-51 until October and then let's get it repealed: KillC51.ca
Article by Aaron Wherry for Macleans
C-51, the government’s anti-terrorism act, was given royal assent one week ago. Many provisions of the bill are now in force. But even with the Governor General’s signature, C-51 is still something of an open question—an unsettled matter of policy and politics.

CBC: Even CSIS didn’t need Bill C-51
Now we learn that even CSIS didn’t want the extreme privacy-undermining measures in Bill C-51. Speak out at KillC51.ca
Article by CBC News
The Conservative government alarmed privacy advocates by overhauling the law to give Canada's spy agency easier access to federal data, even though the spies themselves said greater information-sharing could be done under existing laws, newly released documents show.

Yahoo News: The fight against Bill C-51 is just beginning
We'll make sure as many of the parties as possible commit to repeal Bill C-51. Speak out now at KillC51.ca
Article by Sheena Goodyear for Yahoo News
It may have already passed into law, but the fight against Bill C-51 is far from over.
Sen. Mobina Jaffer, Canada’s first Muslim senator, says she’ll hit the ground running with organizations fighting the controversial anti-terror law this summer and work with whichever party is elected government in the fall to repeal the parts she believes are divisive and dangerous.

iPolitics: It’s time for a social media rebellion, including Conservative voters, to #KillC51!
A version of this piece from principled conservative activist and OpenMedia community member Connie Fournier was originally published by iPolitics.
The government’s unpopular Bill C-51 has finally become law, following a recent tight vote in the Senate. The vote, at 44 to 28, was closer than expected - almost all the opponents of the Bill showed up to vote against, but 15 of the 59 sitting conservative Senators were absent.

Former Winnipeg Liberal candidate quits after party’s C-51 support
The list of Liberal candidates and supporters who "cannot abide the support for C-51" is growing rapidly. Who will be next?
Article by Mia Rabson for Winnipeg Free Press
OTTAWA – A former Liberal candidate and party organizer from Winnipeg has torn up his Liberal membership card because the party voted in favour of the anti-terrorism legislation.

CBC: Bill C-51 is now in force. What changes?
On Thursday afternoon Bill C-51 received Royal Assent and is now in force. Let's keep building opposition to C-51 until the election and then let's get it repealed: KillC51.ca
Article by Hadyn Watters for CBC
Bill C-51, the Conservatives' anti-terror legislation, received royal assent Thursday afternoon and is now law.

iPolitics: Senators were flooded with thousands of your emails over Bill C-51
Senators received thousands of letters from all of you! Thank you for speaking up, Canada! Let's keep up the fight until this reckless bill is repealed. We're demanding all party leaders to commit to repeal it, take action now at KillC51.ca
Article by Kristie Smith for iPolitics
Many senators say they’ve been stunned by the overwhelming flood of email they’ve received over C-51, the highly controversial Harper government security bill that passed a Senate vote earlier in the month.

The Tyee: Liberal Plan a Tough Sell for C-51 Opponents
We want a Prime Minister who cares about our civil liberties. We need Trudeau and all party leaders to repeal reckless Bill C-51! Tell them to do so at KillC51.ca
Article by Jeremy J. Nuttall for The Tyee
Justin Trudeau will have to do more than pledge to fix what he calls a broken Ottawa to win back would-be supporters, say opponents of the recently-passed Anti-Terrorism Act.

Huffington Post: Liberals were caught off guard when candidate MacLeod stepped down over C-51 vote
After candidate MacLeod stepped down over Trudeau's C-51 vote, the Liberal party issued a statement saying his resignation was for personal reasons...
Article by Althia Raj for the Huffington Post
OTTAWA — The federal Liberals are staying mum about a star candidate who just turned on them.

Liberal candidate David MacLeod resigns after Trudeau’s support for Bill C-51
Looks like Bill C-51 was a major factor in some Liberal candidates quiting. Speak out now to put a stop to this reckless, dangerous and ineffective legislation at KillC51.ca
Article by Jane Taber for The Globe and Mail
The Canadian Forces veteran who was poised to run for the federal Liberals in the northern Nova Scotia riding of Central Nova has resigned as the candidate over his opposition to Justin Trudeau’s support for Bill C-51.

Bill C-51 passed: OpenMedia fights back
We are not giving up, Canada. We’ve got to take the next step and get all parties to repeal Bill C-51.Together we can #KillC51. Speak out now at KillC51.ca
Article by Fram Dinshaw for the National Observer
Bill C-51 passed the Senate on June 9 in a 44-28 vote despite Liberal members’ opposition, but those opposed have vowed to fight until it is repealed.

Bill C-51 Just passed. Where do we go from here?
This just in from Ottawa: The Senate just passed Bill C-51 today by 44-28, despite massive opposition from hundreds of thousands of everyday Canadians and the country’s top privacy experts. Reckless Bill C-51 will now become Canadian law.
Here’s who sided with Canadians: Most of the independent Senators from the Liberal Party and independent Progressive Conservative Elaine McCoy. Thanks to each and every one of them for doing the right thing and trying to prevent this dangerous Bill from becoming law. Sadly, Conservative Senators were able to use their majority to ignore Canadians and force this bill through.
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