Tag: internet.org

Why it matters: Facebook “news suppression” and Internet.org
Facebook is positioning itself as a potential global agenda-setting gatekeeper. So why do they insist they support a free Internet?

Recap: Facebook’s Plan To Give The World A Fake Internet Service
Here’s a brief rundown of Facebook’s highly controversial Free Basics program.
Opening Facebook’s controversial Free Basics platform
OpenMedia has sent a letter to Facebook requesting common sense, pro-Internet reforms be made to their controversial “Free Basics” platform.

Guardian: Facebook is NOT the Internet
If Zuckerberg actually cares about helping the world's poorest in this way, he should use his wealth and influence to boost the initiatives that are already on the ground.
Article by John Naughton for The Guardian
Some years ago, I had a conversation with a senior minister in which he revealed that he thought the web was the internet.
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