Tag: india
![Image for There’s a Lot to Learn From India’s Internet Freedom Movement](/images/jcogs_img/cache/stevenikhil_-_28de80_-_ce2473d6481f312aa3c503e813377540edfb8110.jpg)
There’s a Lot to Learn From India’s Internet Freedom Movement
What are some lessons learned from the person who led one of the most important victories for the open Internet, namely, the massive Save The Internet campaign in India?
![Image for A billion Internet users just won big](/images/jcogs_img/cache/netneutrality_-_28de80_-_ce2473d6481f312aa3c503e813377540edfb8110.jpg)
A billion Internet users just won big
India’s new Net Neutrality protections only happened because tens of thousands of Internet users spoke out.
![Image for Artists and Creators shouldn’t have to register with telecom giants to avoid censorship](/images/jcogs_img/cache/16101589983_21ecf44617_o_-_28de80_-_ce2473d6481f312aa3c503e813377540edfb8110.jpg)
Artists and Creators shouldn’t have to register with telecom giants to avoid censorship
We fight everyday to ensure a level playfield across our networks, but the threats to the open Internet we love keep coming. Here are some controversial Net Neutrality violations from around the globe you should know of.
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