Tag: harper

Maclean’s: Conservatives made deal to quiet dissent on C-51, gun group says
Conservatives offered a deal with the National Firearms Association to quiet C-51 dissent, and then broke their promise.
Article by Laura Payton for Maclean's
The president of the National Firearms Association says the Conservative government offered to make changes to its gun licensing bill if the NFA held its fire on the controversial bill C-51, then reneged on the agreement.

CBC: Tories yank ‘24 hour surveillance’ stickers on signs in Harper’s Calgary riding
File this under “So amazing it’s actually true."
Stephen Harper’s constituency team have been busying themselves by adding “24 hour surveillance” stickers to their own election signs. And then removing them when CBC noticed.
Article by Haydn Watters for CBC

Let’s make Canada’s parties endorse our pro-Internet action plan
Exciting news! Green Party leader Elizabeth May has just announced her endorsement of our crowdsourced pro-Internet action plan. So far Ms. May is the first major party leader to do so - and we’re thrilled to have her waving the flag for Canada’s Internet.
This is great news for Canada’s pro-Internet movement and never would have happened without so many people speaking up to support our plan. Now we need to keep up the pressure on all the party leaders, to ensure our action plan can be put into law.

Rabble: Fact-checking the Conservatives’ rural broadband strategy
The government's rural broadband strategy falls way short of our digital platform and here's why.
We need to fight back by pledging to vote now at OurDigitalFuture.ca
Article by Nora Loreto for Rabble.ca
The 2015 federal election promises to be an ugly fight, with a lot of half-truths and fact twisting. This has been the tone set by the Harper government so far, and it shows no sign of changing course. Luckily, rabble.ca together with our allies will be pulling together real numbers and evidence to refute the mistruths and fact check the election campaign.

CBC: Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership draft would force Canada to rework copyright, critics say
If Canada adopts the TPP, it will criminalize your Internet use and force your Internet provider and search engines to censor online content, things the government had consistently rejected throughout the copyright reform process. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Zack Dubinsky for CBC

Motherboard: Canada changed its election rules so it can negotiate the TPP
ICYMI: The Harper government changed the election rules so it can continue negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Where do you stand? Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net/Canada
Article by Jordan Pearson for Motherboard
Geist: Canadian Government Amends “Caretaker Rules” To Give Itself Power to Continue Negotiating TPP
The next few weeks could play a determining role in the fate of the TPP. And Canada is changing longstanding rules regarding making major decisions during elections that tie the hands of future governments and give the government power to continue negotiating the TPP. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Michael Geist
This past weekend was a busy one politically as Canada was launched into a lengthy election campaign just as countries negotiating the latest round of Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations in Hawaii failed to conclude a deal. With reports that there may be a follow-up ministerial meeting within weeks, Canadian officials have been quick to claim that the election campaign will not interfere with the TPP trade talks.

Globe and Mail: Tories hope TPP deal is signed before election campaign kickoff
Amidst the final stages of the TPP talks in Hawaii, the government is hoping to reach an agreement before the election campaign kickoff expected to start on Sunday. It's never been more important to send a message to the trade ministers and tell them to say NO to TPP. Send your message now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by the Canadian Press for the Globe and Mail

CBC: Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks peak as Canada eyes election timing
Harper might want to stretch the TPP bargaining to minimize electoral risks. But in the middle of an election, the timing is not really up to Canada. Speak out now at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Janyce McGregor for CBC
Pity Ed Fast's campaign manager in Abbotsford, B.C.

CTV: File breach at electronic spy agency prompts mandatory privacy training
This is the agency our government is telling us to "just trust" with our secrets?
Article by Jim Bronskill for CTV News
OTTAWA - Canada's electronic spy agency introduced mandatory privacy awareness training for all employees in March following an internal breach involving personal information.

Tyee: TPP Deal Puts BC’s Privacy Laws in the Crosshairs
The TPP would render B.C. privacy laws useless. Speak out now to repeal this secretive, Internet-censoring deal at StoptheSecrecy.net
Article by Scott Sinclair for The Tyee
British Columbia's privacy laws are in the crosshairs of the nearly completed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. If you're wondering what the heck data privacy protections have to do with trade, you're not alone. Public awareness of the far-reaching, 12-country negotiation is scant, with polls showing three-quarters of Canadians have never even heard of the TPP.

Confirmed: We didn’t need Bill C-51
Before C-51, laws and arrangements often allowed for the sharing of information for national security purposes. C-51 adopts an excessive approach that will harm online innovation, political discourse and our civil liberties. Speak out to get it repealed at KillC51.ca
Article by The Canadian Press for CBC

VICE: Opposition to C-51 is as high as it’s ever been
Even after the bill passed, opposition to C-51 is as high as it's ever been.
This reckless legislation is shaping up to be a key election issue. Speak out now to get it repealed at KillC51.ca
Article by Justin Ling for Vice
Canadians aren't the biggest fans of C-51, the anti-terrorism bill that is now law.

Macleans: How Bill C-51 is clearly shaping the election
A new government could amend or repeal it before the end of this year. Let's keep building opposition to C-51 until October and then let's get it repealed: KillC51.ca
Article by Aaron Wherry for Macleans
C-51, the government’s anti-terrorism act, was given royal assent one week ago. Many provisions of the bill are now in force. But even with the Governor General’s signature, C-51 is still something of an open question—an unsettled matter of policy and politics.

Yahoo News: The fight against Bill C-51 is just beginning
We'll make sure as many of the parties as possible commit to repeal Bill C-51. Speak out now at KillC51.ca
Article by Sheena Goodyear for Yahoo News
It may have already passed into law, but the fight against Bill C-51 is far from over.
Sen. Mobina Jaffer, Canada’s first Muslim senator, says she’ll hit the ground running with organizations fighting the controversial anti-terror law this summer and work with whichever party is elected government in the fall to repeal the parts she believes are divisive and dangerous.

Canadians from coast to coast are speaking up!
Despite massive opposition from hundreds of thousands of everyday Canadians and the country’s top privacy experts, reckless Bill C-51 is now law.
Bill C-51 violates our Charter rights and could lead to dangerous and unconstitutional measures. Above all, it underlines just how stark Canada’s privacy deficit has become.
Throughout this whole process, over 275,000 Canadians have signed the petition against the bill and tens of thousands more have inundated MPs and Senators with letters, phone calls, emails and tweets to express their opposition. We are witnessing one of the largest campaigns in Canadian history.
One of the most powerful actions Canadians are taking is using our Letter-to-the-Editor tool. This powerful tool has enabled Canadians to successfully publish dozens of letters in over 70 major Canadian newspapers, an effective and innovative way to speak out and spread the word in local communities against Bill C-51.

Former Winnipeg Liberal candidate quits after party’s C-51 support
The list of Liberal candidates and supporters who "cannot abide the support for C-51" is growing rapidly. Who will be next?
Article by Mia Rabson for Winnipeg Free Press
OTTAWA – A former Liberal candidate and party organizer from Winnipeg has torn up his Liberal membership card because the party voted in favour of the anti-terrorism legislation.

CBC: Bill C-51 is now in force. What changes?
On Thursday afternoon Bill C-51 received Royal Assent and is now in force. Let's keep building opposition to C-51 until the election and then let's get it repealed: KillC51.ca
Article by Hadyn Watters for CBC
Bill C-51, the Conservatives' anti-terror legislation, received royal assent Thursday afternoon and is now law.

iPolitics: Senators were flooded with thousands of your emails over Bill C-51
Senators received thousands of letters from all of you! Thank you for speaking up, Canada! Let's keep up the fight until this reckless bill is repealed. We're demanding all party leaders to commit to repeal it, take action now at KillC51.ca
Article by Kristie Smith for iPolitics
Many senators say they’ve been stunned by the overwhelming flood of email they’ve received over C-51, the highly controversial Harper government security bill that passed a Senate vote earlier in the month.

Heroes and Zeros - here’s how your Senators voted on Bill C-51
Yesterday we witnessed how the Senate passed Bill C-51. Once again, the government used its majority to ram the unpopular legislation through the Senate by 44 votes to 28, a much closer margin than many expected. The legislation - opposed by a whopping 56% of Canadians with just 33% in favour - will now become Canadian law. But many are wondering who were the Senators who sided with Canadians, and who were those who sided against them.

Bill C-51 Just passed. Where do we go from here?
This just in from Ottawa: The Senate just passed Bill C-51 today by 44-28, despite massive opposition from hundreds of thousands of everyday Canadians and the country’s top privacy experts. Reckless Bill C-51 will now become Canadian law.
Here’s who sided with Canadians: Most of the independent Senators from the Liberal Party and independent Progressive Conservative Elaine McCoy. Thanks to each and every one of them for doing the right thing and trying to prevent this dangerous Bill from becoming law. Sadly, Conservative Senators were able to use their majority to ignore Canadians and force this bill through.

National Observer: Why is the TPP bad for Canada?
No Big Industry interests were harmed in the making of this agreement.
Article by Stuart Trew & Scott Sinclair by the National Observer
As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations slouch toward an agreement, supporters have cranked the volume on their praise for what is sometimes called the “NAFTA of the Pacific.” Critics, of which there are a growing number, prefer “NAFTA on steroids” – a sign the 12-country pact can only lead to more of the same deregulation, offshoring and rising inequality that are the legacy of 20 years of North American free trade.

The Tyee: C-51 is Harper’s tool to keep spreading fear
Experienced crime victims’ advocate Steve Sullivan on the open letter signed by conservative groups against Bill C-51, and how fear is the fuel that keeps Harper's government going. Keep speaking out Canada! It's never too late: StopC51.ca
Article by Steve Sullivan
Things are not going Stephen Harper's way. People aren't as scared as they used to be -- and fear is the fuel that keeps his government going.

BREAKING: Final Bill C-51 vote will be tomorrow
BREAKING: Liberal Senate leader Grant Mitchell has just confirmed to OpenMedia that the government will shut down all debate on Bill C-51 at the Senate Chamber tomorrow. This means all amendments and the legislation as a whole will be voted on tomorrow.
The news gives us one more day of action. We have another day to fight this unpopular legislation in the Senate, and we need to keep it up until the last minute. Let's tell our senators to protect our charter rights and #StopC51.
As Chris Nelles, a member of our social media community put it, "This bill should already be dead. It should have been dead months ago. It's an attack on some of the freedoms that we Canadians have fought hard for in the past."
Head to StopC51.ca right now and send them a clear message before tomorrow’s crucial final vote. Sign our StopC51.ca petition and use this new tool to send Senators a strong message: we’re trying to get as many Canadians as possible on board, and the more people who speak out, the more powerful the message will be.

Global: Conservative groups call for repeal of Bill C-51 in open letter to Harper
Nearly 100 traditionally libertarian and conservative organizations like the National Firearms Association and Free Dominion, have signed a letter circulated by your OpenMedia team asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper to kill Bill C-51.
Groups and individuals can continue to sign on at: https://stopc51.ca/conservative
Article by Vassy Kapelos for Global News

Eyes on the Spies: Canadians deserve accountability
A version of this article by our David Christopher was originally published by The Tyee, as part of a new series about Canada's Privacy Plan
For anyone involved in the privacy debate, it’s been a busy couple of years. Barely a week goes by without new revelations about the activities of the Canadian spy agency known as Communications Security Establishment (CSE), and its Five Eyes partners in the U.S., U.K., Australia, and New Zealand.

Dozens of community events are taking place across Canada this Saturday May 30 to #RejectFear and #StopC51
Just a few days before the final vote on Bill C-51, everyday Canadians want to take a stand against this reckless, dangerous and ineffective bill. That’s why dozens of community-organized events are taking place across Canada tomorrow (Saturday), in the third round of nationwide protests.
They range from rallies taking place in a number of major cities, to smaller outreach events and petition drives. Many of these are planned as intimate local events, as Canadians reach out to their neighbours and local communities to warn them about how this legislation will affect our everyday lives.

B.C. experts ring the alarm on Bill C-51 as it is set to get voted
We ain't giving up this fight, and we are going to keep it up all the way through to the October election if that's what it takes. You have only a few more hours to tell your MP to vote against reckless, dangerous an ineffective Bill C-51. Speak out: https://stopc51.ca/?src=blg
Article by Stefania Steccia for Vancouver 24hs
B.C. experts say the impact of the federal anti-terrorism bill spells a significant loss of privacy rights for everyone, and it’s getting voted on this week before heading to the Senate for final approval.

Border deal between Canada and U.S. raises privacy concerns
A recently unveiled border security agreement between Canada and its neighbour to the South requires Canada to step up security measures, and share more information on Canadians with the U.S.
The new border deal will take the problem of the Canadian government spying on its citizens one step further, by adding the threat of Canadians’ personal information being exported to another country. With the help of the pro-Internet community, we have been battling this kind of (un)lawful access legislation since launching our Stop Online Spying campaign.
The agreement’s declared goal is to make travel and cross-border business easier, and to reverse economically damaging border tie-ups that have been growing since 9/11. However, some real dangers concerning Canadians privacy rights are lurking beneath the surface.
OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet. Take action now
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